Thursday, July 1, 2010

aplication letter ramil jess l. merin

July 1, 2010



Mr. Edwin J. Piano

Olongapo City

Cyber Skills Training Center



Dear: Mr, Piano



I'm  Ramiljess L. Merin  16 years  old .single I  was born  on november 28 1993 in  olongapo city . I'am 5'0 in height I live in 1488 julo tabacuhan  sta rita  olongapo city I am catholic



I was  graduated in  sta rita high  school located at  tulio st. sta rita olongapo  city now .I am  enrolled  in cyber  skills traning center  at Gordon college



My  especial skills  are basketball.I  am a member of  basketball league in our barangay



I'm  applying  to  work in  any position  that I  expose my  self on the job that .I can wide my knowledge and capabilities  for gender some

service  to the best  of my ability






ramil jess L.merin

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