Thursday, July 1, 2010

Application letter Cellaine Cheyenne Domingo

July 01, 2010



Cyber Skills Training Center

3rd Floor Municipal Hall

Olongapo City



Dear Sir:



I am Cellaine Cheyenne Domingo 18 years of age presently residing at # 37-A Rizal St. Bo. Barretto Olongapo City. Born on August 22, 1991 at Olongapo City. I graduated high school at Barretto National High School March 30, 2008.


Currently I am a volunteer staff at City Mayor's Extension Office in Bo. Barretto, Olongapo City. I attended every seminar and trainings in church and school like leadership training and seminar in candle making etc. I had a work experience in Guagua Pampanga March 2008 I was a saleslady in JBL Grocery and in Manila November 2008 I was a helper in the house.


My objectives of applying in your training center is to apply and expand my knowledge of technology as well as my skills in career that optimizes professional growth with the end view of promoting the training center goal of success.


It will be a blessing to me and to my family if ever this application will be granted. I promise to study hard. To serve you and the people of Olongapo will always be a pleasure for me.


I will be happy to hear from your office soon, thank you and God bless. More power to your office. May you have a lot of Olongapeños will be a product of skills training and to help them to success in life.




Respectfully yours,


Cellaine Cheyenne Domingo

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